Pure solutions require pure concepts.

Professional cleaning is customized for the requirements and needs of individual clients.
Workflow is planned to detail, so that we can guarantee an efficient flow. Each associate is a specialist in his area. We are a team for solving problems. You are always in contact with one partner.

  • - Tips
  • - Analysis
  • - Concept
  • - Solution
  • - Realization
  • - Quality guaranted


The success of our company relies on three points:

Experience and the know-how in sensitive hygienic services empowers us to quickly get a view of overall situation and act intentionally and effectively.

Our associates, that we can rely on. The secret of our success: constant education and the willingness of our associates to take responsibility for our clients - knowledge with the necessary energy readiness.

Broad offer: the most attention to go the fast, flexible and efficient care. So help you save time and money. With our wide range of services and appropriate engagement.

Our goal is to disburden you!